贺海洋 老师简历
E-mail: hehy@usc.edu.cn
1. 张焕宝, 贺海洋*, 杨仕教, 等. 2023, 基于机器学习的埃达克质岩构造背景判别研究: 地学前缘, p. 1-14. (卓越期刊/EI)
2. 任烜, 贺海洋*, 唐振平, 等. 2023, 湘中月山早三叠世花岗岩成因及其构造意义. 桂林理工大学学报,p. 1-29. (北大核心)
3. He, H. Y., Wang, T. T., Sui, Q. L., et al., 2023, Geochronology and Petrogenesis of the Early Paleozoic Jilongjie Granites in the Central South China Block: Implication for Post-Kinematic Lithospheric Delamination: Minerals, v. 13, no. 6, p. 1-23. (SCI Q2)
4. 贺海洋,王亭亭,唐振平,等. 2023, 湖南加里东期花岗岩成因及铀成矿关系: 南华大学学报(自然科学版), v. 37, no. 02, p. 45-53.
5. ...... He, H.Y.* 2023, Existent forms and ecological risk assessment of uranium and heavy metals in soil at a uranium mining area in northern Guangdong, China: Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. p. 1-10. (SCI Q2)
6. He, H.Y., Li, Y.L., Xiao, S.Q., et al., 2022, Triassic Paleo-Tethyan slab break-off constrained by a newly discovered 211 Ma dacite–rhyolite suite in the Qiangtang terrane, central Tibet: Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, v. 240, p. 1-14. (SCI Q1)
7. He, H.Y, Li, Y., Ning, Z., et al., 2022, Transition from oceanic subduction to continental collision in central Tibet: evidence from the Cretaceous magmatism in Qiangtang block: International Geology Review, v. 64, no. 4, p. 545-563. (SCI Q1)
8. He, H.Y., Li, Y. L., Wang, T. T., et al., 2022, Late Triassic granites (ca. 230 Ma) from Cairi area in eastern Qiangtang subterrane, central Tibet: Product of a mid-oceanic ridge subduction: Geological Journal, v. 57, p. 150-165. (SCI Q2)
9. ....... He, H.Y.*, 2022, Evaluation of ecotoxicity of uranium smelting area receiving effluent using ostracods: Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, v. 331, p. 3427-3437. (SCI Q2)
10. ....... He, H.Y.*, and Sui, Q.*, 2022, Sensitivity of Ostracods to U, Cd and Cu: The Case of Cypridopsis vidua: Toxics, v. 10, no. 7. (SCI Q3)
11. He, H.Y., Li, Y. L., Wang, C. S., et al., 2019, Petrogenesis and tectonic implications of Late Cretaceous highly fractionated I−type granites from the Qiangtang block, central Tibet: Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, v. 176, p. 337-352. (SCI Q1)
12. He, H.Y., Li, Y. L., Wang, C. S., et al., 2018, Late Cretaceous (ca. 95 Ma) magnesian andesites in the Biluoco area, southern Qiangtang subterrane, central Tibet: Petrogenetic and tectonic implications: Lithos, v. 302-303, p. 389-404. (SCI Q1)
2019级硕士王亭亭荣获 “第三届全国地学研究生论坛”优秀奖