时溢 简历
E-mail: aiwen9@126.com
1.2014/09—2020/06 吉林大学地球科学学院,构造地质学,博士
2.2010/09—2013/06 吉林大学地球科学学院,构造地质学,硕士
3.2006/09—2010/06 长春工程学院,资源勘查工程,学士
1.2023/1-至今 南华大学资,源环境与安全工程学院,资源勘察工程系,高级工程师
2.2020/12-2022/12 中国地质调查局沈阳地质调查中心,基础地质室,高级工程师
3.2019/04-2020/12 中国地质调查局沈阳地质调查中心,基础地质室,工程师
4.2015/12-2019/04 中国地质调查局沈阳地质调查中心,矿产地质室,工程师
5.2013/06-2015/12 中国地质调查局沈阳地质调查中心,矿产地质室,助理工程师
[1]时溢, 石绍山, 陈旭, 桓凤明. 华北板块北缘东段古洋盆的消亡过程:来自辽北地区中-基性岩浆岩的启示. 岩石学报, 2022, 38(8): 2292–2322.
[2]Shi Y, Shi SS*, Liu ZH, Wang L, Liu J, Chen JS, Yang F, Zhang C, Li B, Zhang LD. 2022. Back-arc system formation and extinction in the southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt: new constraints from the Faku ophiolite in north Liaoning, NE China. Gondwana Research , 103, 64–83.
[3]时溢, 陈井胜*, 魏明辉, 石绍山, 张超, 张立东, 郝宇杰.古亚洲洋东段晚古生代演化过程:辽宁北部法库地区花岗岩年代学和地球化学的制约.岩石学报, 2020, 36(11): 3287–3308.
[4]Shi Y*, Liu ZH, Liu YJ, Shi SS, Wei MH, Yang JJ, Gao T. Late Paleozoic-Early Mesozoic southward subduction-closure of the Paleo-Asian Ocean: Proof from geochemistry and geochronology of Early Permian-Late Triassic felsic intrusive rocks from North Liaoning, NE China. Lithos, 2019, 346–347: 105165.
[5]Shi Y, Shi SS*, Liu ZH, Liu J, Ju N, You HX, Zhang ZB, Zhao CQ. Petrogenesis of the late Early Palaeozoic adakitic granitoids in the southern margin of the Songliao Basin, NE China: Implications for the subduction of the Palaeo‐Asian Ocean. Geological Journal, 2019, 54, 3821–3839.
[6]Shi Y, Yao Y, Liu ZH*, Liu J, Wei MH, Gu YC, Yang F, Zhang L, Shi SS. Petrogeochemical characteristics, zircon SHRIMP U-Pb ages and Lu—Hf isotopic compositions of Late Carboniferous A-type granitoids, Yili area, Inner Mongolia (China). Geological Journal, 2019, 54:770–790.
[7]Shi Y*, Zhang ZB, Yang F, Li DT, Shi SS, Zhao CQ, You HX. Zircon U-Pb Ages of Tonalite in Faku, Liaoning Province, China, and the Early Paleozoic Magmatic Activity in the North Margin of the North China Craton. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 2019, 93(2):489–490.
[8]时溢*, 石绍山, 舒广龙. 辽宁北部早古生代弧-陆碰撞作用的发现及其构造意义. 地质与资源, 2020, 29(04): 397–400.
[9]时溢*, 刘正宏, 徐仲元, 王兴安, 张超, 刘万臻, 陈旭. 吉林勇新海西期花岗质岩石的同位素年代学及地球化学. 地质与资源, 2013, 22(01): 6–13.
[10]时溢*, 王颖, 石绍山, 舒广龙. 探索五大连池地质公园冰洞之谜.大自然, 2019, 20–25.
[11]Shi SS, Shi Y*, Zhang C, Shi JM, Jiang S. Geochronology and geochemistry of the Triassic intrusive rocks in the Faku area, northern Liaoning, China: Constraints on the evolution of the Paleo-Asian Ocean. Geological Journal, 2021, 57(4), 1658–1681.
[12]Xue JX, Shi Y*, Liu ZH, Xue LF. Closure of the Eastern Paleo-Asian Ocean: Evidence from Permian–Triassic Volcanic Rocks in the Northern Margin of the North China Craton. Minerals 2023, 13, 606. https://doi.org/10.3390/min13050606.